Apr 25 2010

Congress: Avian Geoglyphs on Mars


UFO Congress: 04/25/2010
12:15pm: George Haas – “Avian Geoglyphs on Mars”

George Haas

George Haas

Haas founded the Cydonia Institute after becoming interested in the face on Mars.  His presentation is called Parrotopia and centers around a formation on Mars which resembles a parrot that is over a mile long.  The basic claim is that there is no way this shape could have occurred naturally, it must have been sculpted.  Of course the question becomes who created this and why?
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Apr 25 2010

Congress: Channeling


UFO Congress: 04/25/2010
10am: Nicholette Pavlevsky – “The Next Wave of ET Contact”

Nicholette Pavlevsky

Nicholette Pavlevsky

This session started out as a bad sermon by one of those people who have had a fucked-up life and either turn to organized religion or conspiracy/ET theories to feel complete.  Standard story: vague hints of suffering and abuse but no actual examples, followed by an acceptance of all that has happened, and a new found zest for life.  Seize the moment.  Again, textbook speech on spirituality with just a bent towards contact.  Yep, there goes the part on opening up your chakras.   Continue reading

Apr 25 2010

Congress: Day Two


Day two started out in a smaller room – wonder if this was by plan or if there was just a lack of interest?  Either way people seemed ready to get started.  There was a quick survey to see if anyone had seen anything unusual in the sky in the past few months.  Strange lights did not garner any witnesses, but there were plenty of people who had seen chemtrails.

Apr 25 2010

Congress: Alien Types


UFO/ET Congress – 4/24/2010
7:45pm: Joe Montaldo – “Types of Aliens and ET Contacts”

Joe Montaldo

Joe Montaldo

Montaldo from ICAR gave a very disjointed but intriguing look at the various types of aliens that humans have encountered over the years.  It was a fun session, probably best summed up with more bullet points. Continue reading

Apr 25 2010

Congress: Fighting Abductions


UFO/ET Congress – 4/24/2010
7:15pm: Peter Woronoff – “Alien Abductology”

Peter Woronoff

Peter Woronoff

Peter Woronoff is a psychotherapist and teaches martial arts – a potent combination.  Essentially his presentation’s message was that said one could prevent or greatly reduce the risk of being abducted by either using love or your inner warrior instinct to force the alien to let you go.  “Make love not war, but prepare for both” was how one attendee summed it up. Continue reading

Apr 25 2010

Congress: Global Crisis


UFO/ET Congress – 4/24/2010
4pm: Dr. Julian Salt “Global Crisis – Connecting the Dots”

Earth Defence HQ

Earth Defence HQ

Dr. Salt gave an excellent presentation that just happen to be mired with technological difficulties.  Even with all the hubbub surrounding the video projector, he was able to get his point across that almost all of the major negative events currently impacting our planet are interwoven and will result in the crash of politics, economics and the environment. Continue reading

Apr 25 2010

Congress: DC UFOs


UFO/ET Congress – 4/24/2010
3pm: Will Allen, “Intelligent Energies over D.C.”

Allen, a really cool cat who resembles Billy Dee Williams in all his Return of the Jedi glory was abducted and implanted as a youth and as an adult has become a prolific photographer of lights in the D.C. skies.  Now while some of the images appear to be lens flare to this untrained observer others are harder to explain, such as a cylinder emitting a gas of some kind.  Others even resemble dragons.  I wish I had a photo of the screen at this point, but I was too engrossed in the presentation.

When asked if he always gets these types of images when shooting, he responds that anytime he feels compelled to shoot the sky he gets something.  Always.  When just shooting for fun, nothing unusual turns up.

He showcased some really interesting footage during his presentation.  He also Urged people who want to see more to contact him at ufodc@aol.com on Facebook.

Apr 25 2010

Congress: Psychic Healing


UFO/ET Congress – 4/24/2010
1:30pm: Sue Wallace, “Psychic Healing”

Sue Wallace Introduction

Sue Wallace Introduction

Psychic healing, magnetic healing and health regeneration don’t interest us much at the Silo – so we won’t spend much time on this participant.  Just some quick blurbs. Continue reading

Apr 25 2010

Congress: Project Serpo


UFO/ET Congress 4/24/2010
10am: Chris Iverson, “Project Serpo”

Chris Iverson

Chris Iverson

Iverson from www.openmindsforum.com went into fairly deep detail with regard to the supposed extra-terrestrial exchange program, Project Serpo.  While admitting that they don’t know what information is factual versus disinformation from the reports they’ve received, he laid out some of the basics.  For full details visit the sites above, these are just some of the more interesting bits. Continue reading

Apr 25 2010

Congress Intro & Exhibits


UFO/ET Congress
Bordentown, NJ
April 24, 2010

Pat Marcattilio

Pat Marcattilio

Conference organizer Pat Marcattilio welcomed everyone to the conference wearing an out-of-this-world tie and what could only be described as orange sherbet-colored sports jacket. While we had our doubts rolling into the dilapidated Ramada Inn, they were quickly dismissed by Marcattilio’s enthusiasm for the subject and flair for storytelling.

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